
Thin Clients are small lightweight computers with low specs not designed to be standalone, but instead connect to a larger server computer with more power and storage space and all of that. They're roughly the size of a large banana for a frame of reference. Anyway, I love finding and buying thin clients and using them for the complete opposite purpose they were made for by installing Windows XP or 98 on them. I bought one for the purpose of reviewing classic PC games for Radpage for the steep price of $30NZD and it makes for a superb Windows XP machine that's genuinely surprised me with how powerful it is, seeming to be powerful enough to run anything from the XP era. I'm also just generally fascinated by seeing what I can run on very old and weak hardware like this. So, let's dive into the library of classics that you can still play if your PC and gaming consoles catch fire and you only have $30 to start a new collection with!

My current thin client's specs:

All my coverage so far of Windows and DOS games are here. Additionally, for transparency, I will state if I played a game as a kid or a not so you'll know how much bias I have in my critiques.

Claw - Monolith Productions, 1997

Heroes of Might and Magic 2 - New World Computing, 1996

Nectaris - Hudson Soft, 1997